
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween: DIY Legos Costumes

So....we had a wonderful time on the Jr. High Fall Retreat with Grace Evan. We went to Lake Forest Ranch in Macon, Mississippi. Matt led worship along with his brother and best friend and I just kinda went along for the fun of it...and fun it was! On Saturday night we had a costume party where I revealed what my dad and I had been working on: our lego costumes!!

These were very very messy to make so I don't recommend making them indoors. My dad, having the ingenious mind that he has, did a lot of things differently than the original instructions because he has a lot of really sweet tools and machines in his man garage (aka Testosterone Temple). Anyways, we had a lot of fun making them together. Here's the link to the blogs that inspired us:
We referred to both of the blogs for a lot of the help, but dad always has his own way of doing things. Here are some pictures of our process:

Some of our supplies before we started.

Automatic sander! This made our life much easier.

See? A lot of really sweet tools and machines!

 I told you there'd be a mess!

This picture always makes me laugh!

 All ready for the ride home from the hospital!

 Instead of just covering part of the head with tape, I covered the whole thing to give it a uniform texture.

 I spraypainted them yellow outside then went over that 2 times with yellow acrylic paint. It was way more even and had a cleaner look.

Voila! Add some jeans, a solid colored longsleeved t-shirt, and some yellow kitchen gloves (I found these at The Dollar Tree) and you're done! If you really want to go all out you can make the body too, but I didn't feel like transporting that and such so I left it out.

Hope yall enjoyed!

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